We are absolutely thrilled to introduce our new line of RAW sea moss products that you can prepare at home yourself! Our CEO, KT, has scoured the planet to find the most delectable and nutritious mosses to satisfy a range of customer needs. Below you will find our new additions x the site. All raw sea moss will have instructions for preparation included in packaging.
Purple Sea Moss
Raw And Unfiltered Sun-Dried Purple Wild harvested Chondrus Crispus.
Rinse: our sea moss is wildcrafted and will contain salt sand and other sea elements. Be sure to rinse thoroughly
Clean: after rinsing clean the moss
Soak: Soak in distilled water (no tap)with cut limes for 12 hours. Keep sea moss submerged.
Gel: Once the sea moss is soaked add to blender to make gel; add to blender 2:1 ratio. 2parts cleaned & soaked sea moss 1 part hot distilled water. Blend until its texture resembles pudding.
Store: store gel in a container in refrigerator or for long term in proper container for freezer.